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How to Assign an IP Address on an Android 4G

Mobile Busy
Mobile Phone Users busy on their phones while traveling
Mobile phones are widely used portable devices for internet after the huge price drop on the data packages. The data technology for cellular networks is changing rapidly. While some of the users are yet to adopt 4GLTE, the major network players are ready with their 5G version to be launched. It is very difficult for all the users to keep up with the pace in this ever changing world of technology.

I come across many of them asking me on how to assign an IP address on a mobile device. Basically, this is not needed for an end user since most of the access points are DHCP enabled to auto assign an IP address. This may be required as a part of troubleshooting in scenarios where the mobile device is having problem connecting to the internet. This comes handy for users who often connect to their Wi-Fi routers and Access Points.

Here we go Android users.

Firstly, ensure that you are connected to your Wi-Finetwork.

Press and hold on your wireless network.

Select 'Modify Network Config'.
Modify Network Config Option
Modify Network Config

Check the box for 'Show Advanced Options'.
Advanced Options
Advanced Options

Select 'Static' under IP Settings and assign an IP address, Gateway, DNS 1 and DNS 2 details with respect to your Access Point.
Static IP Option
Static Option

IP Address, Gateway and DNS 1 details
Config Details
DNS2 settings
Other Config Details

With these details the mobile device should be connected with the static IP address. These settings can be reverted back the same way by selecting 'DHCP' as an option under IP setting.


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